目的了解丽江市2010—2015年无偿献血人群抗-HIV感染情况,为加强血液安全管理提供依据。方法分析2010—2015年丽江地区献血者抗-HIV初筛阳性和经免疫印迹法确认结果进行整理分析。结果 2010年1月—2015年12月无偿献血者血样共38448例,无偿献血者抗-HIV初筛阳性率0.38%,确认阳性率为0.03%。结论丽江市无偿献血中HIV感染流行趋势为低流行平稳趋势,为确保采供血血液安全,应加强无偿献血宣传、招募工作,积极开展艾滋病相关知识宣传。
Objective to understand the anti-HIV infection status of voluntary blood donors in Lijiang from 2010 to 2015,so as to provide evidence for strengthening blood safety management. Methods from 2010 to 2015 in Lijiang,blood donors were screened positive for-HIV and analyzed by Western blot. Results from January 2010 to December 2015,a total of 38448 blood donors were given,and the positive rate of anti-HIV screening was 0.38%,and the positive rate was 0.03%. Conclusion the prevalence trend of HIV infection in voluntary blood donation in Lijiang is low epidemic trend. In order to ensure the safety of blood supply and blood supply,we should strengthen the propaganda and recruitment of voluntary blood donation,and actively carry out propaganda about AIDS related knowledge.