作为IEEE的工业标准硬件描述语言(Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language,VHDL),在电子工程领域得到广泛应用。用VHDL进行电子系统设计有许多优点,它的硬件描述能力很强,可以用于从门级、电路级直至系统级的描述、仿真、综合和调试。文章以现场可编程器件(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)为核心,在QuartusII环境下应用VHDL设计电子抢答器。该系统设计能综合电子技术基础较多的知识点,提高VHDL应用能力,对高校电子工程专业教学和研究有较高参考价值。
VHDL(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language)as the IEEE industry standard hardware description language is widely used in the field of electronic engineering.Electronic system design using VHDL has many advantages.Its hardware description is strong and can be used from the gate level,circuit level up to system-level description,simulation,synthesis and debugging.Taking the field programmable device FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)as the core application,this paper discusses the VHDL-based design of electronic Responder in Quartus II environment.The system designed utilizes the fundamental knowledge of electronic technology and can improve VHDL application ability of high level education and research in electrical engineering