针对激光共聚焦逐点扫描速度较慢,以及采用高压氙气灯加冷却型CCD方式照明光源寿命短的问题,提出采用大功率LED诱导和冷却型CCD采集的基因芯片检测新方法。由于发射荧光的强度十分微弱,极易被LED杂散光淹没,本文通过光照入口设计、消光暗室和光阑相结合的方案解决了光路中的杂散光问题。所设计的扫描仪可以检测出浓度为0.005μmol/L的荧光溶液,扫描基因芯片30 mm×30 mm探针面积的结果与博奥扫描仪相比一致性系数R2达到0.98,检测时长却只需55 s。相比于激光共聚焦仪器,该扫描仪具有结构简单,检测速度快的优点。
Aiming at addressing the gene chip detection problems,which have slow scanning speed of con-focal laser technology,short lifetime of illumination in scanner based on cooled CCD and high-pressure xenon lamp,new detection method is presented,which is inducing the microarray by the high-power LED and collecting the excited fluorescence by the cooled CCD. Due to the weak intensity of emission fluorescence,fluorescence would be easily overwhelmed by LED stray light. This problem is solved via the combination of light entry design,extinction darkroom and diaphragm. The designed scanner exhibits a sensitive determination towards fluorescence solution with a lower limit reaches to 0. 005 μmol/L. Moreover,the scanning time of a 30 mm × 30 mm gene chip probe is 55 seconds and the detection consistency coefficient R^2 is 0. 98 compared with Capitalbio scanner. The designed scanner possesses the advantages of simple structure and fast detection speed in comparison with laser confocal machine.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation