近年来,我国建设了多个国家战略石油储备的大型地下洞库,但大型地下洞库的容量计量方法的研究尚不成熟。为了解决基于三维激光扫描技术的大型地下储油洞库容量计量方法数据量大、计算较繁琐等问题,提出了点云数据水平截面积计算的矩形微元法。采用该方法对Leica Scan Station P40三维激光扫描仪测量的某地下储油洞库点云数据进行处理,得到容积表;还将矩形微元法与三角形法计算结果进行比对,对于比较规则的图形,两者计算偏差在0.4%内,满足《GB 50455—2008地下水封石洞油库设计规范》中规定的测量误差不应大于0.5%的要求;对于存在不连续区域的图形,矩形法更加方便和准确。矩形微元法计算速度快,避免了三角形法用于复杂区域可能出现的面积重复计算问题,提高了计算准确性,具有更好的适用性。
In recent years,China has built a number of national strategic oil reserves of large-scale underground caverns,but research on measuring method of capacity of large underground caverns is immature. In order to solve the problem of large amount of data and complicated calculation in the volume of large-scale underground storage caverns based on 3 D laser scanning technology,rectangular element method was proposed to calculate the horizontal cross-sectional area,which is defined by point cloud data. Point cloud data of an underground petroleum storage cavern,which was obtained by a Leica Scan Station P40 3 D laser scanner,was processed with the rectangular element method. Volume table was calculated for the cavern. In the study,the rectangular element method was compared with the triangular element method for a regular graphics,the calculated deviation between the two methods within 0. 4%,satisfying the requirements of the "GB50455-2008 code for design of underground oil storage". For an irregular graphics with discontinue part,the rectangular element method is more convenient and more accurate. Comparing to the triangular element method,the rectangular element method is faster in calculating,the problem of duplicate calculation which may be occur for a complex area calculation can be avoided.The rectangular element method is more accurate for the complex object and is more flexible.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation