
一种改善LTE应用功率放大器性能的设计 被引量:3

A power amplifier performance enhancement design for LTE applications
摘要 针对LTE应用的射频功率放大器,提出了一种结构简单的改善功率放大器性能的方法,并应用该方法设计了一个基于In Ga P/Ga As HBT工艺的两级F类功率放大器。该功率放大器采用了三阶交调失真消除技术、级间谐波抑制网络和带温度补偿特性的有源偏置电路以达到高线性度。此外,输出采用F类功率放大器谐波理论以获得高效率。该功放在工作电压为3.4 V,频率2.35 GHz处,分别使用连续波信号和10 MHz LTE调制信号输入测得:增益为27.5 d B,1 d B压缩点为30 d Bm,最高效率点达到46%;平均输出功率为28 d Bm时,无线接入邻道泄漏率为-38.4d Bc,功率附加效率为38%。 A novel and simple design method to improve the performance of power amplifiers( PAs) for LTE applications is present-ed. A two- stage class F power amplifier with this approach based on In Ga P / Ga As HBT technology has been proposed. The intro-duced PA used include a third order intermodulation reduction technique, an inter- stage harmonic suppression network and an ac-tive bias network with temperature compensation circuit to achieve high linearity. In addition, a class F operation output matching network has been adopted to obtain high efficiency. The fabricated PA shows a gain of 27. 5 d B, a 1d B compression of 30 d Bm,and a maximum power added efficiency( PAE) of 46 %, measured with continuous wave( CW) signals at a supply voltage of 3. 4 V and at the frequency of 2. 35 GHz. Measured with 10 MHz LTE modulation signals, the PA also exhibits a high linearity of- 38. 4d Bc UTRAACLR1 at an average output power of 28 d Bm.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2016年第10期47-50,57,共5页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金(500150058)
关键词 三阶交调失真 级间谐波抑制 F类 功率放大器 third order intermodulation interstage harmonic suppression class F power amplifier
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