The first electron microscope appeared in 1932 and after continuons improvements during the past 50 years it has become now a comprehensive instrument for micro-cha- racterization of solids.Besides being capable of direct imaging of single atoms at a re- solution of 2-3(?),it can also make structural as well as chemical analyses in the nano- meter range. There are three main developments of electron microscopy in solid state sciences. First was the diffraction contrast studies of defects such as dislocations in thin crystals starting in the fifties;then the high resolution atomic imaging and structural images of very thin crystals in the seventies;and last the newly appeared analytical electron micro- scopy consisting mainly of X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy as well as micro-electron diffraction in the nanometer range.These achievements no doubt will enhance the progress of all branches of solid state sciences, such as solid state physics,solid state chemistry,solid state electronics,material scie- nces,geology and mineralogy,crystallography,etc.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society