
Hydrochemistry of Salt Lakes in Southeastern Transbaikalia(Russia) in the Time of Arid Phase of Climate Change at the Beginning of the XXI Century

Hydrochemistry of Salt Lakes in Southeastern Transbaikalia(Russia) in the Time of Arid Phase of Climate Change at the Beginning of the XXI Century
摘要 1 Introduction In the south of Eastern Transbaikalia in the border area with China and Mongolia,there are at least 300 saline without outlet lakes.They are confined to the semi-arid zone Daurian steppes with pronounced continental salinization processes and are mostly located on the bottoms of the intermountain basins.Their origin is related to evaporative concentration of fresh waters lakes filling. 1 Introduction In the south of Eastern Transbaikalia in the border area with China and Mongolia,there are at least 300 saline without outlet lakes.They are confined to the semi-arid zone Daurian steppes with pronounced continental salinization processes and are mostly located on the bottoms of the intermountain basins.Their origin is related to evaporative concentration of fresh waters lakes filling.
出处 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第S1期36-38,共3页 地质学报(英文版)
基金 supported by integrated project no. 38 of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences "Mineral lakes of Central Asia as archive of paleoclimatic records of high solution and renewal liquid ore"
关键词 salt lakes chemical composition salinity of water sulfate reduction. salt lakes,chemical composition,salinity of water,sulfate reduction.
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