Shrimps of genus Artemia are the inhabitants of continental and marine waters with salinity of 70 to 350 g/l and above.Artemia is able to survive in the conditions in which other animals cannot exist.This is due to adaptations:effective osmoregulation system,the ability to synthesize of respiratory pigment(hemoglobin)and diapauses cysts(Litvinenko at.al.,2009).Cysts of this
Shrimps of genus Artemia are the inhabitants of continental and marine waters with salinity of 70 to 350 g/l and above.Artemia is able to survive in the conditions in which other animals cannot exist.This is due to adaptations:effective osmoregulation system,the ability to synthesize of respiratory pigment(hemoglobin)and diapauses cysts(Litvinenko at.al.,2009).Cysts of this