4Kummuang, N, Smith, B J, Diehl, S V, et al. Muscadine grape berry rot diseases in Mississippi: disease identification and incidence. Plant disease, 1996, 80(3): 238-243.
5Marchetti R, Guerzoni M E, Gentile M. Research on the etiology of a new disease of grapes: Sour rot.[J]. Vitis. 1984, 23(1): 55-65.
6Kummuang, N, Smith, B J, Diehl, S V, et al. Muscadine grape berry rot diseases in Mississippi: disease identification and incidence[J]. Plant disease, 1996, 80(3):238-243.
8JONES M G,WHITE J F.Notes on Coelomycetes.Ⅱ.Concerning the Fusicoccum anamorph of Botryosphaeria ribis[J].Mycotaxon,1987,30:117-125.
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6Kummuang, N, Smith, B J, Diehl, S V, et al. Muscadine grape berry rot diseases in Mississippi: disease identification and incidence. Plant disease, 1996, 80(3): 238-243.
7Marchetti R, Guerzoni M E, Gentile M. Research on the etiology of a new disease of grapes: Sour rot.[J]. Vitis. 1984, 23(1): 55-65.
8Kummuang, N, Smith, B J, Diehl, S V, et al. Muscadine grape berry rot diseases in Mississippi: disease identification and incidence[J]. Plant disease, 1996, 80(3):238-243.
10JONES M G,WHITE J F.Notes on Coelomycetes.Ⅱ.Concerning the Fusicoccum anamorph of Botryosphaeria ribis[J].Mycotaxon,1987,30:117-125.