运用问卷调查、座谈访问、文献资料及数理统计等方法对重庆市城市居民的体育生活态度、时间、空间、内容、形式及体育生活消费等现状进行了综合研究与分析。结果表明 :重庆市居民对体育的价值观主要集中在健身、娱乐等方面 ;有 74.1 4%的人不同程度地参加了健身锻炼 ,体育人口有 3 7.5 2 % ,在全国处于中等偏上水平 ;散步与跑步是重庆市民健身运动的首选项目等。
By means of questionnaire, interview and visit? data col lection and statistics method, the current status of people, including attitude, time, place, content, form and consumption for physical activities has been inv estigated and analyzed. The results show:the citizens' motivation of taking part in physical activities is to keep fit and entertain themselves, 24.14% of Chong qing population has more or less taken part in physical activities. The physical training population is about 37.52% in Chongqing. This percentage is higher tha n the average in our country. Their favorite sports are walking and running. Bas ed on all abore, the suggestions and countermeasures are put forward in order to carry out the national health program.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Natural Sciences Edition)