汉武帝元鼎三年 (前 114年 ) ,分陇西郡置天水郡。于“天水”名称的由来 ,历代学者均以郭仲产《秦州记》和郦道元《水经注》的相关解释为依据 ,按各自的理解做了各种各样的解说 ,并将“天水”定位于民国时尚存的天水湖 ;近年来 ,有关“天水”的解释更是新说迭出 ,然仔细分析 ,诸多解释皆不得其实 ,难以成立。其实“天水”之名是由神灵崇拜、术数星相 ,主要是阴阳五行等综合因素衍生的。天水即“天一生水”
During the third year of Emperor Wudi in Han Dynasty, two counties of Longxi and Tianshui were set up. As for the origin of 'Tianshui', scholars of successive dynasties all refer to 'Qingzhou Record' by Guo Zhong-chan and 'Annotations on Geography' by Li Dao-yuan for relevant explanations. Different interpretations arise accordinnng to their respective understandings, locating Tianshui in the place called Tianshui Lake which remained until the times of Republic of China. In recent years, new explanations on the origin of Tianshui emerge one after another. Through careful analysis, many explanations are not reliable. In fact, the name of Tianshui originates from god worship, astrology, mainly Yin-Yang, belief of the five elements and other comprehensive factors. 'Tianshui' signifies water born of heaven.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University