美国南北战争中林肯对废除奴隶制所持的态度至今还是史学界争论的一个问题。但从各种史料来看 ,林肯是一贯主张废奴的 ,在废奴过程中 ,因为客观形势的变化 ,废奴的具体政策在不同历史时期是不同的 ,大体分为4个阶段和 4种形式。整个废除奴隶制的过程说明 ,林肯是一位注重策略的现实主义的资产阶级杰出政治家。
Lincoln's attitude towards slavery during the American Civil War remains a disputable issue in history circles. Based on various historical resources, Lincoln is consistent in his position of slavery abolition. In the course of slavery abolition, due to the changes of objective conditions, specific policy on slavery abolition at different historical times is different, which falls into four stages and four forms. The whole process of slavery abolition elaborates that Lincoln is an outstanding realistic bourgeois statesman who lays stress on strategy.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University