建构现代国民教育体系 ,理顺不同阶段思想教育的内容和目标模式 ,是高校思想政治理论课改革并取得实效的重要前提 ;提高教师素质 ,努力建设一支政治性强、业务精、理论功底扎实的师资队伍是关键 ;紧紧抓住社会热点问题和学生思想实际开展教学 ,是理论联系实际 。
Constructing contemporary national education system, combing the content and target patterns of ideological education at different stages are the important prerequisites for the reform and actual effect of ideological and political education courses at universities and colleges. Whereas the key point lies in heightening teachers' quality, building a team of qualified teachers with good political consciousness, with excellent professional skill, with solid theoretical basis. Focusing on hot issues and students' ideological reality enhances interesting and substantial teaching, which embodies the method of integrating theory with practice.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University