Erratum to “Absolute Measurement of Cross Sections of ^(27)Al(n,α)^(24)Na and ^(56)Fe(n,p)^(56)Mn Reactions at E_n=14.6 MeV”
Erratum to “Absolute Measurement of Cross Sections of ^(27)Al(n,α)^(24)Na and ^(56)Fe(n,p)^(56)Mn Reactions at E_n=14.6 MeV”
The publisher regrets that some misprints appeared in the formula for the correction factork on page 343.It is reprinted correctly as the following:k=n(1-e<sup>-λ(t<sub>1</sub>-t<sub>0</sub>)/n</sup>)/e<sup>λ(t<sub>1</sub>-t<sub>0</sub>)</sup>-1·(sum from i=1 to n N<sub>ai</sub>e<sup>iλ(l<sub>1</sub>-l<sub>0</sub>)/n</sup>)/sum from i=1 to n N<sub>ai</sub>
The publisher regrets that some misprints appeared in the formula for the correction factor k on page 343.It is reprinted correctly as the following: k=n(1-e<sup>-λ(t<sub>1</sub>-t<sub>0</sub>)/n</sup>)/e<sup>λ(t<sub>1</sub>-t<sub>0</sub>)</sup>-1·(sum from i=1 to n N<sub>ai</sub>e<sup>iλ(l<sub>1</sub>-l<sub>0</sub>)/n</sup>)/sum from i=1 to n N<sub>ai</sub>
1Announcement of Journal Publisher[J].Chinese Chemical Letters,2006,17(10):1380-1380.
2Correction Factor of Rem meter for Measuring High Energy Neutrons[J].IMP & HIRFL Annual Report,1997(0):183-184.
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