An L band RF linac is now under installation at CIAE to provide intense electronbeam for a far-infrared free-electron laser oscillator.This linac consists of a DC thermionicgun,a subharmonic prebuncher,a buncher,an accelerating section and a beam transport line.From the INEX(Integrated Numerical Experiment)conducted for prediction of the perfor-mance of the complex and the comparison of some of the simulation results with available ex-perimental data,it shows that the beam quality can satisfy our FEL requirements.
An L band RF linac is now under installation at CIAE to provide intense electron beam for a far-infrared free-electron laser oscillator.This linac consists of a DC thermionic gun,a subharmonic prebuncher,a buncher,an accelerating section and a beam transport line. From the INEX(Integrated Numerical Experiment)conducted for prediction of the perfor- mance of the complex and the comparison of some of the simulation results with available ex- perimental data,it shows that the beam quality can satisfy our FEL requirements.
The project supported by the Nuclear Industry Science Foundation of China