利用新型非接触式角膜内皮显微镜SP-500(日本,SEED Co.Ltd.),观察无戴镜史健康眼,在配戴各种不同隐形眼镜(CL)的状态下角膜内皮细胞出现的短暂性变化。戴镜20分钟后,PMMA HCl引起角膜中央区bleb改变,软性隐形眼镜(SCL)则引起角膜整体的变化,而且高含水性SCL的bleb发生率明显低于低含水SCL。高透气性硬镜(Dk=105×10^(-11))配戴时,角膜内皮细胞不出现任何改变。
We observed transient changes in en-dothelial appearance(bleb) 20 minutes after insertion of various hard and soft contact lenses in unadapted patients by using non-contact specular microscope (SP-500, SEED Co. Japan) .Blebs appeared in the endothelial mosaic of the central cornea with PMMA HCL wear. SCL induced the same changes in whole cornea.The incidence of bleds is lower with high water content SCL (66%) than withlow water content SCL(38.6%). High Dk value (105×10-11) RGPCL did not produce any changes.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology