METHODS Explants of the organ of Corti have been maintained 9 days in vitro (DIV). They have grown well in DEME medium containing 20% fetal serum (FBS) and supplemented with insulin (Gibco) and glucose. Tissues of utricle have been maintained 20 DIV. They have grown well in Medium-199 containing 10% FBS. Morphology and structure in vitro have been constrasted with those in vivo.RESULTS These models can retain tissue and cell morphological and struc-trual integrity. The histological differentiation of the organ proceeding in vitro is similar to that in vivo.CONCLUSIONS This methods of tissue culture may retain their structralorganization and most of the hair cells are alive in their differentiation. It provides a good tool for studying the regeneration of hair cells and the effect of ototoxic drugs.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology