
内淋巴积水模型豚鼠前庭及耳蜗功能的动态变化 被引量:3

Dynamic changes of vestibular and cochlear functions in a model endolymphatic hydrops guinea pigs
摘要 目的观察内淋巴积水模型动物前庭及耳蜗功能的动态变化。方法 20只健康豚鼠行右侧内淋巴囊切除及部分内淋巴管阻塞以建立内淋巴积水动物模型,系统现察手术前后豚鼠行为学、眼震电图(ENG),听觉脑干电反应(ABR),畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)的变化,最终以形态学方法确认内淋巴积水形成。结果术后未出现前庭功能紊乱的行为学征象,术后第25天、45天、75天时曾出现不对称性眼震反应。术后第15天术耳ABR反应阈值轻度升高,之后随时间的推移逐渐升高,90天之后阈值基本趋于稳定不再有较大的变化。术耳DPOAE反应幅值于术后15天开始下降,以后逐渐降低90天之后大部分豚鼠DPOAE不能引出。病理切片示前庭膜明显膨隆,以第三、四回为重。结论内淋巴囊切除及部分内淋巴管阻塞方法建立的内淋巴积水模型动物,前庭及耳蜗功能呈现一个动态变化的过程,术后90天功能趋于稳定,可用于进一步的研究。 PURPOSE To observe the dynamic changes of vestibular and cochlear functions in a model endolymphatic hydrops(ELH).METHODS Twenty guinea pigs were made as a model of ELH by resection of the right endolymphatic sac and obliteration of partial right duct for the study of Me-niere’ s disease.General postoperative behavior was observed.Elecrronystagmography(ENG),auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were recorded preoperatively and postoperatively.The final results of ELH were confirmed by morphological changes.RESULTS No signs of vestibular turbulence were observed postoperatively.There were asymmetrical nystagmus on the 25th,45th and 75th postoperative day.The ABRs thresholds increased progressively up to the 90th postoperative day.The amplitudes of DPOAEs were already reduced on the 15th day and decreased gradually thereafter.DPOAEs couldn’t be detected in most animals 3 months after surgery.The morphological observation showed swelling of Reissner’s membrane,particularly in the 3rd and 4th turns.CONCLUSION The vestibular and cochlear functions of the model of ELH show a course of dynamic changes.This animal model can provide further investigation as its functions are stable 90 days after surgery.
出处 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2001年第3期65-68,71+131,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
基金 上海市科委科技启明星计划(编号:98QB14010) 卫生部优秀青年人才专项科研基金 上海市卫生系统百人计划(编号:98BR002)的资助
关键词 内淋巴积水 眼震电图 听觉脑干电反应 畸变产物耳声发射 梅尼埃病 豚鼠 ELH ENG ABRs DPOAEs Meniere’s disease guinea pig
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