Various ultramafic rocks with different genesis illustrate various characteristics of rare earth element. The intrusive ultramafic bodies related to nickel deposits have higher concentration of REE with enrichment of LREE. The metaperidotite in ophiolite suit is characterized by lower REE content and the "U" type of variation or deletion of LREE. The Durngoi ultramafic rocks distributed in Qinghaiare similar to the metaperidotite in REE, and belong to part of the ophiolite suite.It might be the product of lower partial melting of mantle, the partial melting degree accounting for 5 %. The Derngoi copper deposit is of volcagenic massive sulfide deposite, and the occurrencce of it in the ultramafic rocks is due to tectonic movement. In the Animaqin zone, the prospecting areas are the exposure places of Buqingshan Group of Lower Permian basalt and siliceous or carbonaceous slate of Triassic System.
Mineral Exploration