Fuzzy form as one category of contemporary art is the opposite of clearness. Vague pattern transmits its tension by means of movement and fluctuation, by general appearances of the paintings, which are mysterious obscure, implicit and full of meaningness. With the long history of the development in west oil paintings, fuzziness is ignored by artists and audience. People including critics scarcely study its value. People used to seeing clear patterns, concreteness is easily understood. But it is truth that everything is relative. Fuzziness is always developing with clear drawing art. Vague pattern is opening, which presents a sort of vague beauty, the uncertainty of its medium, mutual permeability, mutual mingling, mutual converting of the flowing cross-areas and intermediate areas, forming an uncertain state of fuzzy similarities and differences. So it is essential for us to study the value of fuzziness.
fuzziness, vagueness, the medium of beauty