
中国古典园林设计之我见 被引量:1

My Views on Chinese Classical Garden Design
摘要 是一个非常复杂的学科,它在满足艺术欣赏需求的同时也要达到实用性。每当人们提到景观园林时人们总会很快联想到蓝天碧水,奇山怪石,百花争艳,万树吐香。然而这辉煌的成果正是一代代景观设计师、一代代工匠等献智、献谋而来的。中国的古典园林设计当属景观园林设计的一朵奇葩。中国的古典园林设计流长,本文将对中国古典园林的发展、影响因素、艺术特征以及对世界的影响进行深入的探讨并提出自己的看法。 Landscape design is a very complicated subject,which meets the need of art appreciation,at the same time meets practicality.Whenever people mentioned the landscape garden,people would quickly think of the blue sky,the green water,the odd rocks,the beautiful flowers,and the fragrant trees.However,this is the brilliant outcome of the thinking of landscape designers,artisans and so on from generation to generation.Chinese classical garden design is one beautiful flower of landscape design.Besides,Chinese classical garden design has a long history.I will deeply explore the development,the influencing factors,the characteristics,as well as the impact for world development of Chinese classical gardens and put forward my views in this article.
作者 李睿
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2010年第8X期113-115,共3页 Art and Design
关键词 景观设计 复杂 辉煌的成果 中国的古典园林 看法 landscape design,complicated,brilliant outcome,Chinese classical garden design,views
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