本文通过实证研究,采用Tobii X120眼动仪对新产品的三套不同设计方案进行了效果测评。研究结果表明:被试对方案一注视比较分散,认知记忆效果差;被试对方案二注视时间、首次注视时间相对要长,更容易被画面元素吸引,进行较为高级的心理活动;被试对方案三关注热度相对集中,激活的水平高,首次注视开始时间最快,对新产品认知记忆效果最好。最终为广告商选择方案提供了意见。
In this paper, the effect of three different design proposals were evaluated by using Tobii X120 Eye Tracker. The research shows that visual fixation is decentralized in design proposal one. And testees have lower effect of cognitive and memory. In design proposal two, testees spend so many time on staring the picture that fixation length and first fixation length is more lasting. They are easily attracted by elements of print ads and have relatively senior psychological activity. In design proposal three, the heat map is relatively concentrated, testees have high activation level and have a good effect of cognitive and memory of new product. Time to first fixation is so fast. In a word, the result offer the best opinion for advertiser.
New Products Print Ads, Advertising Effect, Eye Movement Evaluation