The genetic nlechallism of the shallowinguupward carbonate sequences is that the carbonate prodtlctloll rates are greater than the tectonic subsidence rates, hut smaller than therelative risillg rates of sea- level changes. So the shallowing upward carbonate sequencesare developed On the "drowning unconformity surface,’ resulted from the platform drowning evellts. These carbonate sequences are con1Posed of the vertica stacking patterns ofvarlotls nletrc scale cyclic sequences. In the rising stages of low-frequency sea-levelchanges, the metre scale cyclic sequences are characterized by the ’drowning band", whileby the "exIJosillg band,’ in the stalldstill and fall stages. The condensed sections consistingof the lower units of the shal lowing-upward sequences become progresslvely t hinner frombasinwards to plat formwards. The limestones in t he Triassic Daye Formation in theGuiyang area comprise two shallowing t]Pward carbonate sequences, each of which, Inturn,consits of various metreuscale cyclic sequences.
Da ye Formation
sha I lowing-upward sequence
carbona ie sedimentation.