目的 :了解河北省达乌尔黄鼠寄生蚤种类、构成、季节消长。方法 :收集活体达乌尔黄鼠及其窝巢 ,置熏鼠桶用乙醚、汽油将鼠蚤一并熏死 ,捡蚤 ;鼠洞用法兰绒探蚤棒每洞探 3次 ,收集洞干游离蚤。直接在显微镜下或制成玻片标本进行分类鉴定。结果 :共发现寄生蚤 4科 14属 2 6种。结论 :方形黄鼠蚤为优势种 ,其次为光亮额蚤、阿巴盖新蚤。
Objective:To investigate the kinds, composing and seasonal quantity fluctuation of parasitical fleas of Citallus dauricus in Hebei province. Methods:To collect living Citellus dauricus with nest, placed in the fuming-mouse tank, rats and fleas were fumed to the death in ther or petrol without exception, and then collected the fleas. Every hole of Citellus dauricus was prospected three times with wrapping-flannel rubber stick for gather parasitical fleas of Citellus dauricus. Then it was appraised in direct way under microscope or made slide sample. Results:A total of 4 families 14 genera 26 species parasitical fleas of Citellus dauricus were discovered. Conclusion:The Citellophilus tesquorum is dominant kind of the parasitical fleas, and Frontopsylla luculenta, Neopsylla abagaitui and Neopsylla bidentatiformis are the second.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control