在模糊综合评判中采用专家调查法来确定评判矩阵R和评判向量A ,并要求专家给出其对应的信任度矩阵Re 和Ae。引入的信任度取值于 [0 ,1 ],表示专家对自己的估计的把握程度。专家的信任度是一个心理指标 ,它取决于专家对资料和信息的占有程度 ,取决于论据的充分性 ,取决于专家的经验与信念。进而给出了信任度的综合方法 ,增加了模糊综合评判信息 。
The judgement matrix R and weight vector A as well as their trust degree matrix R e and A e are determined separately by the experts in fuzzy synthetic judgement. The trust degree introduced by the article indicates certainty degree of the expert for his estimate, it is a psychological index of the expert, it depends on the degree that the expert has owned the data and information, ample evidence, as well as the experience and conviction of the expert, it's value takes from 0 to 1. And then the synthetic method about that is given, thus the information of fuzzy synthetic judge is increased, and a very good auxiliary means is provide for fuzzy decision.