本文比较正常与高血脂兔主动脉对乙酰胆碱(Ach)的舒张反应,和源自内皮的血管舒张因子(EDRF)的释放。用高胆固醇饲料喂养16周,血脂明显升高,主动脉粥样斑块受累面积为48.9±6.9%,对Ach的松弛反应明显减弱。10^(-5)M Ach灌流正常兔胸主动脉,滴灌去内皮大鼠主动脉环,使之松弛39.7±2.3%,而灌流高血脂兔胸主动脉,仅使大鼠主动脉环松弛21.4±2.4%,表明Ach引起高血脂兔主动脉释放EDRF明显低于正常兔。结果提示高血脂兔主动脉对Ach反应减弱,主要是由于内皮受损,EDRF释放减少所致。
We compared the vascular responsiveness in segments of thoracic aortas from control rabbits with the hypercholesterolmic and atherosclerotic rabbits which received cholesterol-rich diet for 16 weeks. The aortic arch and thoracic aorta were affected significantly more by lesions than the abdominal aorta. Segments of thracic aortas were mounted in organ chambers for isometric tension recording or for measurement of the endothelium derived relaxating factor, in rings of thoracic aortas, the relaxations to 10^(-5) M acetylcholine, expressed as percent of the initial contraction caused by 2×10^(-6) M norepinephrine, decreased from 82.5% in control tissues to 34.% in 16-weeks hypercholesterolemic vessels. The acetylcholine-induced release of endothelium derived relaxating factor from the thoracic aorta was significantly decreased by the hypercholesterolemia and atherosclrosis. The results suggest that the decrease of endothelium derived relaxating factor is mainly affected by the lesions o[ arteric endothelium in hypercholesterolemia.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School