通过对上海钢研所锻轧分厂 5 0 0预应力轧机的综合测定 ,了解该设备的实际负荷情况及有关工艺参数。由此经过改造及工艺制度的修订 ,使之为以后扩大轧制规格、品种、科研及生产的更大发展 。
By the synthetic measurement for the 500 pre stressed mill in Forging & Rolling Branch of Shanghai I & S Reasearch Institute,the practical load and related parameters of the equipment were revealed.Technological invovation was made and technical regulations were amended afterwards,to supply more scientific basis for expanding the specification and assortment of rolled products,for developing production and scientific research,and for utilizing equipment potential ability in future.
Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology: Natural Science