河北赵店子铁矿根据其矿床开采条件 ,采用分期开采方案 ,从而有计划的创造条件 ,实施部分剥离内排土 ,减少了排土场占地 ,保护了生态环境。本文介绍了分期开采的具体方案、内排土的工艺及内排土场的管理 。
A phased mining plan is adopted based on the mining technological conditions of the deposit in Zhaodianzi Iron Mine, Hebei Province, so as to create conditions as planned to achieve partial in-pit dumping of the overburdened waste. Therefore, area of the allocated dumping site can be reduced and the ecological environment can be protected. In this paper, a detailed presentation is given of the phased mining scheme, the technology of in-pit dumping and the management of in-pit dump. An evaluation is given of in-pit dumping in the mine concerned.
Mining Research and Development