
不同激素和注射方式对家猫超排效果的比较 被引量:2

Effects of Different Hormone and Injection Method on Superovulation in Domestic Cat (Felis catus)
摘要 比较了PMSG hCG和FSH hCG两种方案以及PMSG的不同剂量和注射方式对家猫的超排效果的影响。用 1 0 0IU的PMSG超排家猫所得到的排卵点数及平均每只猫获得的卵数显著低于 2 0 0IU处理组或 30 0IU处理组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,但 2 0 0IU处理组与 30 0IU处理组之间的超排效果也无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;用皮下注射 2 0 0IU的PMSG或用肌肉注射 2 0 0IU的PMSG对超排效果无差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;用 2 0 0IUPMSG 2 0 0IUhCG和 1 5mgFSH 2 0 0IUhCG两种方案对家猫超排 ,发现不论是每只猫的排卵点数、卵子获得数 ,还是卵子的第一极体排放率都没有显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。实验说明 ,PMSG的注射方式不影响对家猫的超排效果 ,用 2 0 0IU的PMSG超排家猫是较适合的剂量 ,FSH和PMSG都可用于家猫的超排 ,但PMSG使用更为方便。 Effects of PMSG dosage, injection method, as well as two different protocols ( PMSG/hCG and FSH/hCG ) on superovulation in domestic cat were compared in this experiment. The average number of ovulation sites (NOS) on ovaries was significantly higher in 200*!IU group and 300*!IU group compared to that of the 100*!IU group when cats were intramuscularly injected PMSG to induce superovulation, but no difference was observed between 200*!IU group and 300*!IU group. There was no difference between injecting PMSG subcutaneously or intramuscularly in superovulation rate. The average NOS, oocyte recovery and percentage of first polar body in recovered oocytes were not significantly different between superovulation protocol of 200*!IU PMSG/200*!IU hCG and 1.5*!mg FSH/200*!IU hCG. The results suggested that PMSG injecting methods did not affect the superovulation rate; the dosage of 200 *!IU PMSG was optimal for cat superovulation; PMSG and FSH are equivalent in stimulating cat follicles; However, PMSG is more convenient to use.
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期30-34,共5页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 科技部攀登专项 (No:95 专 0 8) 中国科学院创新工程重大项目 (No:KSCX1 0 5 0 1)
关键词 激素 注射方式 家猫 超排效果 比较 Domestic cat PMSG FSH Dosage Injection method
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