目的 :研究迷走神经感觉传入信息对Mauthner细胞 (M细胞 )兴奋性的影响。方法 :刺激鲫鱼迷走神经 ,并运用微电极穿刺技术记录鲫鱼M细胞胞内电位变化。结果 :在M细胞胞内记录到分级的、复合的兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP) ,分为第一成分和第二成分。随着刺激强度的增大 ,EPSP的幅度增大 ,反应持续时间延长。当刺激强度足够大时 ,在第一成分或第二成分的基础上可爆发动作电位。结论 :①刺激迷走神经可引起M细胞顺向激活 ,这与以往的观点不同 ;②从迷走神经到M细胞的感觉传入通路可能由含有兴奋性和抑制性成分的不同种类的神经链构成 。
Aim: To investigate the influence of the vagus nerve on the electrophysiological properties in the Mauthner cell soma and the relationship between soma and viscus. Methods: The microelectrode recording technique was used to explore the electrophysiological properties in the Mauthner cell when stimulating the right vagus. Results: At lower stimulation strength a graded and compound excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP), formed by two components with lower amplitude, were recorded on the Mauthner cell in a crucian carp. As the intensity of stimulus increased, the amplitude became larger and lasting time longer. With the stimulations high enough, action potentials(AP) were evoked on the EPSP. Conclusion: ① Action potential can be induced on M cell by a direct stimulation on vagus nerve, which is in controversy with previous reports. ② The neural pathway projecting from vagus to M cell is composed of a set of neuronal chains with excitatory and/or inhibitory members, the activation of M cell depends on the relationship between excitatory and inhibitory neuron.
Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology
北京市自然科学基金 (5 962 0 0 7)