长爪沙鼠毛色的突变迄今已有 11种之多 ,本文综述了有详细特征描述的 8种毛色及其遗传机制。这 8种毛色分别是野生色 ,受 A位点 (刺鼠毛色 )和 a位点 (非刺鼠型黑色 )控制 ;白色 ,受 c位点控制 (白化型 ) ,等位基因包括 ch基因 (喜马拉雅型毛色 )及 cchm基因(中度青紫蓝 ) ;白斑毛色 ,受 Sp位点控制 ;灰色 ,受 g位点控制 ;粉眼淡化色 ,受 p位点控制。另外还有无毛突变、扩展位点的突变及淡化位点的突变等毛色出现。因长爪沙鼠是一种多用途的实验动物 。
Between 1970 and 2001, eleven coat color mutants of Mongolian Gerbil arose in scientific laboratory and pet population. Among them, eight coat color and their genetic mechanism were detailed in this article. The wild system includes two loci, one is A locus (coat color is Agouti), another is a locus (coat color is Non agouti or black). C system includes c locus (Albino), ch (Acromelanistic albino), cchm (chinchilla medium). The white spotting mutant is controlled by Sp locus. g locus appears to a gray coat color, and p locus seems to be master of pink eye dilution. The hairless phenotype is only elementary introduction.
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Science