生产函数作为进行经济系统分析的有效工具,它的研究受到了国内外的广泛重视。早在本世纪20年代后期,美国经济学家柯布(Charles W.Cobb)和道格拉斯(Paul H.Douglas)用统计方法研究美国生产函数,取得了突破性的进展,产生了著名的柯布-道格拉斯型生产函数;列昂节夫(Wassily W.Leontif)30年代就开始研究的投入产出技术,就是以建立在固定消耗系数假设上的简单的投入产出型生产函数为基础的,这一技术现已获得了世界范围的广泛应用;1957年,索洛(Robert M.
The problem how to deduce and estimate the aggregate production function with only the time-series data available, remains Unsolved in China and in the world. Based on the assumption that only two inputs - capital and labor -are needed in production, the author de-Tines the technical substitution ratio (TSR) in accordance with the economic practice in China, formulates a 'A-transform' from time-series data to production isoquant data, deduces the one-output-two-input aggregate production function in China with constant TSR(CTSR) based on the isoquant data, estimates several of the CTSR production functions, and provides some information about the contribution to economic development of the technical progress in China by the CTSR approach. The results show that the CTSR production function is of great importance and significance to the economic analysis.
Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice