
元数据与专业置标语言在数字图书馆中知识表述方面的功能 被引量:6

Metadata and Domain-Specific Markup Languages in Knowledge Representation in Digital Libraries
摘要 以处理文献资源为基本目的的元数据标准(如Dublin Core,IMS and LOM)和专业置标语言(如MatML,MathML,CML,GML)近年来都在以前所未有的速度向前发展,然而其发展和应用却缺乏相互沟通和操作。数字图书馆建设过程中通常会遇到在不同水平上对文献处理的各种格式和方法进行选择与应用、这些格式和标准如何进行互操作等问题。本文分析用于描述文献资源的元数据和面向专业的置标语言在数字图书馆中对知识进行表述的特点和功能,讨论其在对一个资源作结构上和语义上的分解时的作用,指出元数据与置标语言结合的必要性,并提出在同一数字图书馆中将两者结合起来使用的可行方法。 Metadata schemas for resource description (such as Dublin Core,IMS,and LOM) and domain specific markup languages (such as MatML.MathML, CML,or GML) have evolved dramatically during the last several years. Much of this development,however,has been a parallel evolution.There is a lack of communication, exchange, and interoperation between the two. A digital library project usually has to deal with selecting, applying, and interoperating the multiple resource description mechanisms that could be used at different information processing levels. This paper analyzes the characteristics and functions of metadata and markup languages and discusses their roles in the structural- and semantic-decomposition of a digital resource. While pointing out the importance of applying both metadata and markup languages, a number of approaches that could be used for integrating them in a digital library are presented as well.
作者 曾蕾
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第10期14-22,共9页 Library and Information Service
关键词 元数据 置标语言 知识表述 数字图书馆 文献资源描述 metadata markup language knowledge representation digital library
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