

Rehabitation of Jiangsu Liquors After China' Entry to WTO---Interview to Board Chairman of Yanghe Group.-YANG Ting-dong
摘要 白酒是一种嗜好产品、情感产品、文化产品、与传统的消费习惯息息相关。中国加入WTO后,随着世界经济一体化的发展,西方文化可能会影响我国的白酒消费习惯;但东方文化也可能影响西方文化,让白酒更多地走出国门。目前,台湾的白酒市场看好,洋河正积极准备进入台湾市场。“品牌买断经营”是时代的产物,是计划经济转向市场经济过渡期的产物,曾发挥了积极作用。随着市场的规范化,“买断经营”将逐步弱化。洋河集团曾经有近100个“买断产品”,目前仅剩10余个。“重振苏酒雄风”是在总结历史经验的基础上,鉴于苏酒的品牌优势于1998年提出来的,现在在市场形象、产品形象上已见成效。从量税政策的出发点是好的,因为市场不规范,造成名优酒厂效益下降,其应对措施是开发中高价位产品,同时保护低价位产品。原产地保护前景是好的,但任重而道远。洋河根据市场情况和自身条件,将提升产品品牌价值,把主要市场放在华东地区。在资本经营上,应积极创造条件,积累要素,水到渠成,不宜强求。 Liquor is a special product involved people's emotions,cultures and people's habits.Traditional consumption habits have great effects on liquor promotion.After China's entry to WTO,western cultures might have certain influence on liquor consumption habits in China along with economic globalization.On the other hand,the spread of oriental cultures will also offer distilleries the op-portunities for liquor sales abroad.Currently,Yanghe Group is preparing for the entry to the booming liquor market in Taiwan.In the past,'monopolized brand management 'had exerted positive effects in the transition period from planned economy to market economy in China.As the market gradually became normalized,the management became obsolete.Yanghe Group once possessed nearly100mo-nopolized brands and only more than10remained nowadays.Based on the summarization of Jiangsu liquor history,'rehabilitation of Jiangsu liquors'was put forward in1998according to the brand superiority of Jiangsu liquors and initial achievements have already presented in the field of market sharing and product image.From the angle of quantity taxation policy,abnormal market will result in profit dropping in distilleries which produce famous liquors and the relative countermeasures cover the development of top liquor prod-ucts and protection of inferior liquor products simultaneously.In addition,the protection of original production place is necessary but a hard job for distilleries.Yanghe Group has focused on the promotion of brand values and market occupation of eastern China according to its individual conditions.As for capital operation,Yanghe Group always adheres to the principle of active creation of capital condi-tions and positive participation for further capital operation.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
作者 单雨
机构地区 酿酒科技杂志社
出处 《酿酒科技》 2002年第6期20-21,共2页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 洋河集团 杨廷栋 酒类市场 WTO 买断经营 原产地保护 江苏 人物采访 白酒企业 应对策略 special interview liquor market WTO monopolized brand management rehabilitation of Jiangsu liquors protection of origi-nal production place








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