

Record on the History of "Zhenyuanzeng"Liquors in Recent 500Years
摘要 邯郸酿酒历史悠久,可追溯到8000年前的新石器“磁山文化”时期,磁山文化遗址出土的大量陶器和窖藏禾粟,是我国远古谷物酿酒的有力佐证。3000年前的商周时期,邯郸作为殷商王朝的京畿之地和战国七雄之一赵国的都城,是中华酒文化的源头之一和中原酒文化的重要支柱。司马迁的《史记》、《列传》,诸子百家的《庄子》、《淮南子》等古籍名典,都记有邯郸酿酒与诸侯争霸、歃血为盟的历史故事,著名的“鲁酒薄而邯郸围”则是邯郸美酒千古流传的一曲颂歌。在漫长的历史长河中,邯郸酿酒经历了发酵酒到蒸馏酒的演变过程,是中国蒸馏白酒的最早发祥地之一。唐代著名诗人李白、杜甫、白居易、王昌龄等名士多次来邯郸寻古探幽,饱饮佳酿,留下了赞咏邯郸美酒的千古绝唱。宋人张能臣《酒名记》中的“邯郸风曲法酒”是当年蒸馏白酒的典型代表。明代“贞元增烧坊”的崛起,闪烁着明清两代万历、乾隆大帝皇封御赐的荣耀。1915年在巴拿马万国博览会上,贞元增所产高粱酒一举夺得金质奖章,是我国近代史上民族工业的殊荣,凝聚着邯郸名人先贤张国彦、王琴堂对家乡工业的支持,镌刻着历代酿酒先辈艰苦创业的不朽业绩。继往开来,与时俱进,是企业永恒的追求。邯郸丛台酒业公司依托其千年延绵的传统工艺,发挥自身老窖优势,运用最新科技,倾? The Liquor-making history in Handan could trace back to the Neolithic Age'Cishan Culture'of8,000years ago and large amount of potteries and millet stored in pits were unearthed in this memorial sites which were effective evidence of liquor making by grains in ancient China.Back to Shang dynasty and Zhou dynasty3,000years ago,Handan,capital of Shang dynasty and capital of Zhao state(one of the country in the Warring States Period,B.C.403-B.C.221),had ever been one of the head spring of Chinese liquor culture and important liquor-making cite.In ancient books including《History Record》(Shiji)and《Records on Every Country》(Liezhuan)written by SIMA Qian and《Zhuangzi》and《Huainanzi》etc.historic stories concerned with liquor-making in Handan were recorded.In the past years,liquor-making in Handan had experience from fermented wine production to distilled liquor production and Handan was the earliest place for distilled liquor production.Some famous poets in Tang dynasty including LI Bai,DU Pu and BAI Ju-yi et al.went to Handan several times to drink Handan liquors and they had left behind some famous poems praising Handan liquors.'Handan liquors by Starter Airing Method'recorded in《Liquor Records》written by ZHANG Neng-chen in Song dynasty was the typical representative at that time.'Zhenyuanzeng'workshop founded and developed in Ming dynasty had awarded the glory from Emperor Wanli in Ming dynasty and Emperor Qianlong in Qing dynasty.In1915Panama Exposition,the sorghum liquor made in'Zhenyuanzeng'workshop had awarded golden prize which was the proud of national industry in recent China and the liquor itself was also the symbol of liquor-making predecessors' achievements.Nowadays,to create new liquor classics,on the basis of inheritance of conventional techniques of'Zhenyuanzeng'workshop,Congtai Liquor Industry Co.makes full use of latest techniques and decides to last out the glory.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
作者 张书田
出处 《酿酒科技》 2002年第6期89-94,共6页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 丛台酒 酒文化 河北 邯郸丛台酒业股份有限公司 文化营销 Congtai Liquor historic evolution 'Zhenyuanzeng'workshop liquor culture








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