采用同时蒸馏萃取的前处理分离方法、气相色谱和气质谱联用的分离分析鉴定技术 ,对2 0 0 0、2 0 0 1年湖北鹤峰试验基地生产的白肋烟中的半挥发香味物质进行了分析 ,共定性鉴定出 91种香味物质。对构成白肋烟香味特征的 2 0种重要香味物质和香味物质的总量进行了定量测定 ,着重研究了这 2 0种物质在生长、采收、调制过程中的变化。研究发现 ,在生长、采收、调制过程中 ,白肋烟中这 2 0种重要香味物质的含量及香味物质总量不断变化 ,并且存在一定的变化规律。调制后 ,茄酮、降茄二酮、巨豆三烯酮、吲哚、氧化异佛尔酮等重要的烟草香味物质含量明显增加。吡嗪和甲基吡嗪在烟叶生长和采收过程中几乎不存在 ,直到调制阶段含量才急剧增加。新植二烯从打顶开始持续增加 ,在调制期达到最大值后 ,逐渐下降。这些香味成分变化规律的研究 ,对探讨白肋烟质量与其内在的香味物质组成的关系 。
The semi\|volatile components in domestic burley tobacco grown in Hefeng county, Hubei province in 2000 and 2001 were extracted using simultaneous distillation\|extraction equipment, and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. 91 semi\|volatile components were qualitatively identified, of which 20 important components contributed to burley tobacco flavor characteristics were quantitatively determined. The results showed that the amount of each aromatic component in burley tobacco was dynamically changed in line with certain rules during growing, harvesting and curing. During curing, solanone, norsolandione, megasitigmatrienones, indole and oxo\|isophorone in burley tobacco increased significantly. Pyrazine and methylpyrazine in burley tobacco were negligible until curing began. The amount of neophytadiene enhanced gradually from topping to harvesting, and reached maximum at the beginning of curing, then trended to decrease. The results would provide a basis for producing domestic burley tobacco with good quality.
Tobacco Science & Technology
国家烟草专卖局基金资助重点项目 (110 19990 10 0 1)分项目