联合循环系统中余热锅炉主蒸汽参数的确定 ,直接影响到蒸汽循环系统的性能和整个联合循环装置的效率。以某电厂烧重油PG91 71E燃机联合循环蒸汽循环系统为对象 ,建立了余热锅炉主蒸汽参数优化的热工模型。同时结合余热锅炉的设计 ,分别对主蒸汽压力、温度进行了优化计算。计算结果与国外公司的推荐数据完全一致 ,表明建立的模型正确 ,选定的优化约束条件合理 ,可供联合循环工程设计参考。
Main steam parameters of HRSG has a great effect on the whole combined cycle power plant efficiency. This paper makes up a set of the thermal dynamic models for a Heavy Oil fired GT PG9171E Gas steam Combined Cycle Plant. The optimization of the main steam parameters is worked out based on the restrictions of the practical experience and the HRSG structural design. The computing gives the same results exactly as the foreign company recommendations for a PG9171E repowering CC engineering. This model is a good reference for PG9171E GT CC power plant designs.
Boiler Technology