引进型 30 0MW汽轮机排汽通道内的流场极不均匀。通过风洞试验 ,适当地增加了一些导流板 ,使流场不均匀性得到了明显改善。既提高了机组的热效率 ,又延长了铜管的使用寿命。所提出的排汽缸及凝汽器喉部联合吹风的方法是全面优化汽轮机排汽通道气动性能的有力手段。
The velocity distribution of the exhaust hood of 300 MW introduced turbine is not uniform. By the blow test, the velocity distribution of the condenser neck tend to be more uniform after adding guide blades in the condenser neck. It can increase the heat efficiency of the device and extend the used life of the copper tubes of the condenser. It is important mean of overall improving the pneumatic performance in the exhaust hood of the turbine that the method of blowing to the exhaust hood and the condenser neck in this paper.
Turbine Technology