本文通过对配电线路的分析和数学计算 ,从而得出在配电线路上加装电容器的最佳补偿度、最佳安装地点、降低线损百分数与安装组数之间的关系 ;求算出当实际补偿度与最佳补偿度不同时 ,其最佳安装地点、降低线损百分数与安装组数之间的关系 ;介绍了以恒定功率替代变化着的无功负荷的处理方法 ;以及在不同补偿方式时 。
This paper proves the relation of the best compensation degree of installing capacitors on distribution system,the best install location dropping the percent of line loss,and the banks. The practical compensation is different with the idea compensation. This paper provides the relation of the best installing location lower the percent of line loss and the installing banks. The way of using constant power replacing the changing reactive load and calculating method of the install point and the benefit are introduced.
Energy Conservation Technology