由于特殊的地理位置和多样化的地形地貌 ,云南是中国地质灾害最为频发的地区之一。各种地质灾害 ,从滑坡、崩塌、泥石流到地面沉降 ,从土壤流失到石漠化等广泛分布于全省 ,其中 ,斜坡地质灾害尤甚 ,日益给人们的生命财产构成威胁并造成巨大损失。在过去的十年 ,地质灾害治理投入了大量工作 ,已在全省建立了防治体系 ,制定了有关的法律法规 ,在地质灾害多发区采取了工程治理、生物工程治理措施 ,使当地人民的正常生命得到保障 ,许多工业及民用设施得到有效保护。目前 ,在政府和民众的关心支持下 ,更深入的全省地质灾害调查正在进行。
Yunnan province, because of its special geological position and diversified landforms, is one of the most geologic hazard prone regions in China. A wide variety of geologic hazards ranging from landslide, rock collapse, debris flow to ground subsidence, soil erosion and rock desertification, of which, slope related hazards increasingly pose threat and cause enormous loss in life and property each year. Over the last decade, great effort has been made to control geologic hazards an operational system has been established in the province, laws and regulations promulgated, engineering and bioengineering measures been taken in typical hazard prone arers, plenty of industrial and civil facilities were effectively protected and local peoples normal life ensured. So far detail geological hazard investigation is still going on and more attention and efforts being attracted and paid from both government and community sectors.
Yunnan Geology