
神经生长因子对失神经肌肉及其运动终板的作用 被引量:17

Effect of NGF on the motor end plate and muscle
摘要 目的探讨失神经后,神经生长因子(nervergrowthfactor,NGF)对运动终板(motorendplate,MEP)和肌肉的营养作用。方法用硅胶管桥接大鼠坐骨神经10mm长的缺损,管内注入生理盐水稀释NGF(5ng/μl,20μl/只),对照组注入等量的生理盐水(NS),于术后不同时相点取腓肠肌组织作乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)染色和常规HE切片,并检测肌纤维横截面积的变化。结果术后各时相点,NGF组AchE反应明显强于NS对照组,肌纤维截面积也明显较NS对照组粗。结论周围神经损伤后,局部应用NGF可明显减轻运动终板和肌肉的变性程度,促进终板和肌肉的再生。 Objective Study the nutritional effect of nerv e growth factor(NGF)on the motor end plate(MEP)and muscle without nerves netrien.Method Silionone tube was used to create a nerve regeneration chamber for bridging experiment of sciatic nerve of rat which had a defect of lcm.NGF diluted with norma l saline was injected into the tube an d equal quantity of normal saline in c ontrolled group.The specimens made by muscular tissue in different stages after operation were observed by acetylchoionesterase and routi ne HE staining and the cross section area of muscular fiber was examined.Result Histochemical analysis of MEP AchE s aining showed the color of MEP was cle arly deeper than that NS control group and the cross se ction area of muscular fiber was much bigger than that of NS control group t oo.Conclusion When peripheral nerve is injured,the extent of MEP and muscular tissue degeneration could be abated by using exogenous NGF in local damage,and the MEP and muscular tissue reinnerv ation could be enhanced also.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第19期2860-2860,2865,F002,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目资助(G1999054206)
关键词 神经生长因子 外周神经损伤 肌肉 运动终板 peripheral nerve injury muscle m otor end plate
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