1958年《纽约公约》迄今已成功运作了50年,但也有不少的缺陷,影响了各国法院对其的统一解释和适用。虽然对公约的正式修改可能困难重重,但研究公约的权威学者vanden Berg博士在国际商事仲裁理事会都柏林会议上提出了2008年"新纽约公约",以"学者建议稿"的形式对其进行了现代化。本文将新旧两个公约进行对照译释,以期对理解《纽约公约》的含义和不足有所裨益。
After 50 years of its existence,the New York Convention 1958 is in need of modernization on account of its obvious shortcomings.At the Plenary Session of the ICCA Conference,Dublin,on 10 June 2008,Prof.Dr.Albert Jan van den Berg,who is the most outstanding scholars in the field of arbitration,presented the international arbitration community with his proposal for a new New York Convention 2008.Here,we translated the English version of the 'hypothetical' convention into Chinese,compared it with the current New York Convention text,and give some explanatory note on van den Berg's creative project.
Arbitration Study