
超边际分析视角下的中国土地发展权与征地效率——基于效率与公正的内洽假设 被引量:2

Inframarginal Analysis on Chinese Land Development Rights and Land Expropriation's Efficiency:Based on the Internal Coherence of Efficiency and Justice
摘要 在城市化进程中,中国政府通过征收农村集体土地的过程中存在对农户的补偿不足。在土地财政模式和公有制下,农民缺乏法律支持和议价的能力,致使补偿不能按土地的真实价值或以前经营土地所带来的收益所衡量的标准进行。土地终极产权的争议往往牵涉意识形态而被搁置,因此本文从内生交易成本角度,基于效率与公正内洽的前提引入按土地使用对象和用途划分的土地发展权结构,借鉴新兴古典经济学超边际分析方法构建市场条件下自给自足型、完全分工型和混合型的产权结构,以发展权的价值实现来评估假设的发展权交易市场产权结构与实际的差异。根据多方参与者利益均衡的比较,研究农村土地流转中非理性行为的根源和公正与效率并重的实现方式;引入成都和温江土地流转改革的案例分析,进一步探讨土地征用机制效率与公正性的实现。 In urbanization,Chinese government expropriates collective-owned rural land and then sells the use right to developers.As the land finance system and public-owned economy,peasants gain under-compensation but have no power and legislative support to demand the true value and benefit from the land once they managed.Definite ultimate landed property of Chinese would hardly be transformed into private ownership as it maybe involves in the heated debate of ideology which may put off the solution to the conflicts in reality.Therefore,it is necessary to evaluate the institutions from the scope of endogenetic transaction cost when we take internal coherence of justice and efficiency as individual's behavior assumption. This papers unpacks land development rights according to variety of usages for participants both in urban and rural areas and build up value equilibrium in a given property rights exchange market,which is a benchmark to reveal hidden relationship of improper behaviors in the land conversion and evaluate how big is big of under-compensation.As the corner solution of land use in reality,it introduces infra-marginal analysis of New Classical Economics and valued the proper structure of property rights among autarkic,pure specialized and mixed patterns when the rural households,rural collective and urban developers' bargain power varied.Finally, according to a case study of rural land circulation reform in Wenjiang, Chengdu in China to confirm the alternative way of property rights exchange,it makes a deduction on the dialectical relation among internal coherence of efficiency and justice,the endogenetic transaction cost and institutional change,which also shows the direction of Chinese land reform.Above all,it would give a lesson to Chinese transformation of land property right and the promising land development rights market in the future.
出处 《制度经济学研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期53-75,共23页 Research on Institutional Economics
关键词 土地发展权 征地 超边际分析 land development rights land expropriation inframarginal analysis justice efficiency
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