我国企业改革的战略目标是:到本世纪末,要使国有大中型企业基本建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的现代企业制度框架。因此,建立现代企业制度,促进股份制改组的健康发展是当前改革的关健,也是下一步改革攻坚的重点。 本文作者在分析了我国纺织工业产业结构方面的深层次矛盾后认为:加快建立现代企业制度,是我国纺织工业进行全面结构调整面向21世纪的客观需要。作者指出:我国纺织行业在配套改革中,对部分企业建立现代企业制度的试点,已取得初步成效。股份制试点企业迅速有效地筹集了大量资金,解决或部分缓解了长期以来严重困扰纺织企业发展资金不是的难题。今后股份制试点工作的任务是,1.加强领导,统筹规划、做好基础工作;2.分类指导、精心实施;3.防止国有资产流失,确保国有资产的保值增值;4.改制企业重在转换经济机制。
Tht strategic objective of enterprise reform is to set up the system of modern enterprise in national big and middle enterprise on the end of the 20th century in China. So to set up the modern enterprise system and promote share - system is the key and focal point of the reform. This article analyses the content of modern enterprise system :1 , to separate the duty of govermenl and enterprise, 2. to turn enterprise into mam part of market, 3. to be com posed of divesified organizational form for enterprise property and 4. to take national economy as main part. The writer thinks that to set up the modern enterprise system is necessary for adjesting structure of textile industry in the 2Jth century in China. The stock company in textile industry has raised a lot of funds to solve the problem of few developed funds before a Inner time.