The specialty chemicals manufacturing sector maintained steady development in 2006.The growth of its major economic indexes was more than 30%.According to data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics,China had 5512 specialty chemical manufacturing enterprises of considerable scale(all state-owned enterprises,and non state-owned enterprises with sales over RMB5.0 million in 2005).The total asset value was RMB306.501 billion,an increase of 21.82% over the previous year.The sales revenue was RMB426.685 billion,an increase of 34.65%.The total profit was RMB28.528 billion,an increase of 32.91%.The total employment was 823 800,an increase of 6.94%.
(1)Overall economic index evaluationThe sales revenue of the top 100 en-terprises was RMB147.107 billion in2006,accounting for 34.48% of thesector’s total.The proportion was 25.69% in 2005.Their asset value wasRMB100.488 billion,accounting for 32.79%.Their total profit was RMB10.779billion,accounting for 37.78%.