Sinofert Holdings Limited (HK:0297) recordedrevenue of RMB13 246 million forthe first six months of 2010,an increase of5.92% over the same period last year.Itachieved net profit of RMB340 millioncompared to a loss of RMB828 million inthe same period last year.Sinofert sold 7.44 million tons of fertilizersin the first half of 2010,up 17.15%year-on-year.And it traded 3.26 milliontons of nitrogenous fertilizers and 1.18 milliontons of potash fertilizers,representinga substantial increase of 24.01% and97.06% respectively.This domestic fertilizerdistributor traded 1.82 million tons ofphosphate fertilizers,up 8.64% year-onyearwhile it traded 0.95 million tons ofcompound fertilizers,indicating a slightdecrease.