
区域分异视角下乡村企业入城意愿分析——基于浙、豫、川三省193家企业的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the Impact Factors of the Migration Intention of Rural Enterprises on Regional Disparity:Investigation Based on Zhejiang Henan and Sichuan Provinces
摘要 乡村企业入城是实现我国城镇化发展的基本路径。利用浙江、河南、四川三省193家乡村企业的实地调查数据,运用多元有序Logistic回归模型进行相关验证,实证分析我国东中西部三个省份的乡村企业入城意愿及其影响因素。通过对调研数据的描述统计发现:有58.55%的乡村企业主有入城意愿,仅有21.24%的乡村企业主不愿意或非常不愿意搬迁,集群环境、土地价格、运输成本等是企业愿意搬迁的主要原因,土地价格政策、当地经济发展水平、产品产销信息、集群环境是影响企业搬迁方向的重要因素,当地的土地、税收和融资等政府政策对于企业是否入城产生重要影响。通过多元有序Logistic回归模型估计结果表明:企业总资产、土地价格、运输成本、集群环境、与政府关系对入城意愿有显著负向影响,税收政策有显著正向影响,这些影响因素主要是通过影响企业的显性成本(土地价格、运输成本),以及企业的交易成本、寻租成本等隐性成本(集群环境、与政府关系和税收政策),进而影响企业的迁移意愿,且浙江、河南与四川三地计量结果差异显著。在上述研究的基础上,本文提出相应的政策建议。 The migration to the city of the rural enterprises is the basic way for China' s urbanization,and therefore it' s a valuable topic for the research on the migration willingness of the rural enterprises.Based on a survey data of 193 rural enterprises in Zhejiang,Sichuan and Henan provinces,this paper uses multivariate ordered logistic regression model to empirically analyze the impact fatetors on migration intentions of rural enterprises in three provinces chosen from Central,Eastern and Western regions of China.Based on descriptive statistics analysis of the survey data,the results show that 58.55%of rural enterprise owners have the intention of entering the city,only 21.24%of rural enterprises are reluctant or very reluctant to relocate,especially migrant to the city.The decision of rural enterprise owners' entry into the city is influenced by two factors of the enterprise' s own level and the enterprise environment level.Industrial agglomeration environment,land price,transportation cost are the main reasons for the intention of migration,Land price policy,the level of local economic development,product and marketing information,industrial agglomeration environment are important factors affecting the direction of relocation of enterprises.Local land policy taxes policy,financing and other government policies are important factors of the migration intention.By using multivariate ordered logistic regression model,the empirical results show that total assets,land prices,transportation costs,cluster environment,and government relationship have a significant negative impact on the intention of migration.Tax policy has a significant positive impact on the intention of migrantion.These factors mainly affect the enterprise migration willing through the firm's explicit costs(land price,transportation cost),and the recessive cost such as transaction costs and rent seeking cost of enterprises,(cluster environment,relationship with the government and tax policies).Because Zhejiang,Henan and Sichuan belong to China' s eastern,central and western region,respectively and the economic and social development levels and resource endowment conditions of three provinces are significantly different,there are sigafificant differences in these province' s measurement results.Based on these empirical studies mentioned above,the paper puts forward some policy suggestions.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期138-146,共9页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"空间计量经济学视角下产业集群对农村减贫作用的研究"(编号:71503212) 福建省科技厅软科学项目"旅游企业迁移驱动下的旅游城镇化模式 机制及效应研究:基于全国十县的调查"(编号:2015R0030) 福建省社科规划项目"‘百姓富与生态美'目标下福建省乡村旅游与生态旅游共生发展对策研究"(编号:2014B039) 福建师范大学优秀青年骨干教师培养对象项目(编号:fjsdjk2012034)
关键词 企业入城意愿 城镇化 多元有序Logistic模型 区域分异 the migration intention of enterprises rural urbanization multivariate ordered logistic regression model Central,Eastern and Western regions of China
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