Seismic disaster relief and rescue are an important link of earthquake hazard reduction. Its efficiency depends to a large extent on whether the capability of disaster relief and rescue has been being deploied rationally and timely it relies on the policy-making and command system. The techniques of fast, accurate, continuous transission information of hazard have not had a widespread use, hazard is liable to expand and alter, and there is an interval which may incur a heavy loss through delay of emergency hazard relief and rescue between the moment at which disaster occurs at a spot and the moment at which the outside capability arrives at the spot as it has been instructed by the command system,if the capability which has arrived in the disaster area before it is instructed beyond the need it is waste, in this paper,for this reason,the theory of"Disaster Relief and Rescue Command Preparations" is proposed.From some aspects, that is,information concerned preparation and prediction, pre-design optimally,command system preparations,and pre-command,the theory is outlines,its operation principle and possible technology channels are proposed.