目前 ,已有 1 0架口径 8~ 1 0m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。在近红外波段 ,自适应光学和干涉术已在大望远镜上获得成功。Hubble空间望远镜发射至今已逾 1 2年。为了研究早期宇宙 ,探测类地行星等 ,2 0 0 2年 9月NASA已与TWR公司签约 ,研制口径≥ 6m的下一代空间望远镜JWST ,计划2 0 1 0年发射。许多口径 30~ 1 0 0m的地面未来巨型望远镜FGT项目已经提出。本报告 ,也介绍了我国正在研制或预研中的三个大项目 :LAMOST、FAST和SST ,这些项目虽较小 ,但完成后都会对天文学的一个方面作出有份量的贡献。最后 ,报告人建议我国参与到与国外合作研制FGT或NGST的工作中 。
Now there are ten 8- 10m large telescopes have been used for science observation. In near Infrared waveband the adaptive optics and interferometry have been used in large telescopes successfully. Since launch to now Hubble Space Telescope has worked more than twelve years. In order to research early universe and to explore earth like planet etc. NASA has contracted with TWR Company to develope the Next Generation Space Telescope JWST with aperture more than 6m. It will be launched in 2010. Many 30- 100m ground-based Future Giant Telescope (FGT) projects have been put forward. This lecture also introduce three main Chinese astronomical projects: LAMOST, FAST and SST which are being developed or pre-developed. Although these projects are smaller each of them will be made the important contribution in one area of astronomy. Finally, the speaker suggests that China cooperates with other country to develope FGT or NGST. And emphasis during this cooperation Chinese astronomers and engineers must enter this work.