The precipitation distribution quantity of canopy in broadleaved/Korean pine forest was measured during the growing season (Jun.–Sept.) in 2001 in the Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, P. R. China. Results indicated that the amounts of stemflow, throughfall, and interception were 37.39, 322.12 and 109.69 mm, accounting for 7.97%, 68.65% and 23.38% of the total rainfall, respectively. The rate of stemflow was higher in Jul. and Aug. than other months. The rate of throughfall dropped off from Jun. to Sept., however, rate of interception changed contrarily from 19.43% to 31.02% during the growing season. According to our analysis, the concentration of nutrient elements were arranged as Ca>Mg>N>K>Fe>P>Cu>Mn for rainfall, K>N>Mg>Ca>P>Fe>Mn>Cu for throughfall, and Mn>P>K>Cu>Fe>N>Mg>Ca for being leached through canopy. Nutrients concentration in stewflow and throughfall changed significantly when rainfall passed canopy, and concentration of all elements increased except for Ca and Mg.
在2001年森林生长季(6-9月),通过测量降雨各分量,分析了中国吉林省长白山北坡红松阔叶林冠层对降水分配各分量的影响。结果表明:干流量(37.39 mm),透流量(326.02 mm)和截留量(105.67 mm),分别占同期降雨量(469.08 mm) 的7.97%、69.50%和22.53%。林冠对降雨的月份分配规律是:树干茎流率的月变化为七、八月份大于其它月份,穿透率从6-9月份有逐渐减少的趋势,而截留率的变化正好与穿透率相反,从19.43%增加到31.02%。林内降雨中的养分元素浓度发生显著变化,除Ca、Mg外,其它元素的浓度都有所增加。经分析得出,大气降雨中养分元素的浓度序列为:Ca> Mg> N> K> Fe > P> Cu > Mn;而穿透雨中养分元素的浓度序列为:K>N>Mg>Ca>P>Fe>Mn>Cu;在林冠淋溶中各养分元素的浓度序列为:Mn> P>K>Cu>Fe>N>Mg>Ca。图1表5参13。
This paper was supported by Chinese Academy of Science (KZCX2-406)
Institute of Applied Ecology (SCXZD0101)
Chinese Academy of Science
Shenyang and the Open Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystem.